Saturday, March 21, 2009

Here I am...........

I haven't done much toward my goals. Eating smoking being lazy - I am going to try a new approach. Maybe if I write today what I will do tomorrow it will help.
I am going to wake up and do some kind of exercise- walk wii............something is better than nothing.
I am going to go to church and start my week off with praise!
I am going to plan my menu and get groceries.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So What do I Seek.....

I don't know if it's age or what but I have recently come to realize that there are things in my life that I am seeking. I have decided that maybe if I write it, I will stay focused and find the things I seek. Pretty much they can be broken down:

1. I seek a deep relationship with the Lord. I've not been a real churchy person in my life. I have tried to live my life right - with morals. But now I am finding myself more drawn to wanting a deeper relationship. My heart wants it...really bad. I'm not sure I know how. Seriously, I don't know who to ask - who can I seek advice from. I've been going to church about every other week. I'm going by myself as none of the family is going and that is a stretch for me....going out on a limb....throwing myself into an unfamiliar environment with people I don't know. I am thinking about emailing the pastor to see if I can talk to him but I still haven't taken that step yet. Several years ago a very good friend gave me a book that is about becoming a new Christian. I intend to utilize the steps in the book - it is a six week "program" if you will. I will document my progress.

2. I seek to maintain a healthy life style. I would love to lose weight, of course. Isn't that one of the things so many people want? But I seriously want to get healthy! I am a smoker - yuck, I hate it. I wish to quit smoking. If only it was as easy as saying it..sigh. I will let you know how I do on that. I want to exercise daily! More often than not, I am so freakin tired. I did walk on the treadmill tonight while I was watching Idol. What I really want to do, is walk in 5ks. That is my short term goal. I envision myself fit and doing a marathon but, HEY! i'm not even a walker yet. lol If I maintain with my self guided exercise, I may try to join a gym so I can get in some weith training. Will update on that. I ate a bunch of junk today, sausage and biscuit, chips...nothing healthy. hopefully I can do better as far as that goes. I have had great success with Weight Watchers, maybe I can again.

3. I seek to advance in my professional career. I recently started a new job. Of course, it is early in the game for me to say Hey I want more but it is not too early for me to try to put myself in a position to advance down the road. I am not exactly sure what steps I need to take to do so. I work for state government so advancement is limited at best. I have advanced through the years and my new position is certainly an advancement. I am thinking I may need to participate in business related organizations but I'm not sure what other type things I need to do networking wise. If anybody reads this, let me know what things are out there that I need to do. If you may have ideas, just ask and I will tell you what position I am in and that may help narrow it down.

4. I seek to help people. I have been experiencing a strong draw to helping people. I don't know why. My heart has even been saying "mission trip" now for somebody not real familiar with the Bible this is really out there. I can't cast it aside though, because what if it is something I am meant to do? I will keep it in the front of my mind at all times in case something comes of it. I have researched volunteer opportunities in my area. Battered womens shelter, Red Cross, Childrens Miracle Network....those are all opportunities I have found around here. But, which one, if any? I'm going to keep thinking on it.

5. I seek to live everyday with a positive attitude and a smile on my face. There are 24 hours in a day whether I like it or not. I might as well like it. I am "addicted" to podcasts. My fave is Morning Coach - I think the guy's name is JB Glosinger or something like that. I download it every morning and listen on my way to work it is a great way for me to start my day.

So there you have it - FIVE - count em 5! things I'm going to be working on for now.

I guess we will see where this sucker goes!